How to get to Le Cicale in Conca Dei Marini
we are here, click on this link : https://goo.gl/maps/zdQgPGYPGbuU2pFi8
We are located in via Panoramica number 65 - 84010 Conca Dei Marini (SA)
Internet WIFI password for our Le Cicale network is : cicale2021 (all lower cases)

Closest bus stop location
Our apartments are located in Conca Dei Marini, between Amalfi and Furore
And close to the hamlet of Tovere
We are in Via Panoramica nr. 65
Precisely here : https://goo.gl/maps/zdQgPGYPGbuU2pFi8
The bus stop of the Sitasud is by our front gate and can request the driver to drop you off just by us!
The ONLY bus lines to use are:
Amalfi - Agerola
And Amalfi - Tovere (must be preffered)
Updated scheduls are at this link:
or copy and paste https://www.sitasudtrasporti.it/orari
Please make sure NOT TO USE the bus lone SORRENTO BRANCH as this bus line reaches Conca Dei Marini lower part, Sea Side, whilst we are on the TOP PART of Conca Dei Marini and the bus line to use is exclusevely the AGEROLA OR TOVERE branch
Welcome to our apartments in Conca Dei Marini! Here's some essential information to help you reach us smoothly:
Our address is: Via Panoramica nr. 65, Conca Dei Marini We are situated between Amalfi and Furore, and close to the hamlet of Tovere.
For your convenience, you can find us precisely on this Google Maps link.
Bus Information
The Sitasud bus stop is right by our front gate. You can request the driver to drop you off here.
Recommended Bus Lines
Amalfi - Agerola
Amalfi - Tovere (preferred)
For updated schedules, visit the Sitasud website.
Important Note
Do NOT use the Sorrento branch bus line as it only reaches the lower part (sea side) of Conca Dei Marini. Our apartments are located in the top part of Conca Dei Marini, so you should exclusively use the Agerola or Tovere bus lines.
We hope you have a wonderful stay with us!
Garbage system
We do recycle the waste in the village of Conca Dei Marini.
Please enter the main courtyard and use the container located in its corner and separate the waste in the appropriate bin.
Do not leave garbage in the flat at the checkout, but constantly remove those from using the bins at your disposal.
In particular it is wise to remove the food waste to avoid ants attacks.
This VIDEO linked here, will show you where is the waste bins location.
Thank you for your cooperation

how to reach Positano
If you do not prefer to drive or do not have a car, or scooter, you have two options
1) Best option is to reach Amalfi by Sitasud bus and then hop on a ferry to the town centre of this amazing village
Same for way back, the other way round!
2) Alternative option is to board a SITASUD bus and exit Gas Bar intersection Positano Amalfi. Here : https://goo.gl/maps/fHqNT2M8HFvja6bYA
Then commute at that bus stop to the Sitasud line direction to Positano Sorrento (it is a differnt bus) . Once reached Positano, exit the main bus stop of LA SPONDA, here: https://goo.gl/maps/fHqNT2M8HFvja6bYA, then walk the beautiful via Cristoforo Colombo down to the town center
This is our page on Positano :Positano | AmalfiRental Support (amalficoastrentalsupport.com)

Closest stores
bus Tickets
A small market is located at the intersection Tovere / Agerola / Conca. At 100 meters walk direction Agerola .
Its name is : Anna Gambardella : https://goo.gl/maps/7rvrzZMWBB2rXp7L8
Anna sells tickets for our buses. By the store there is also a bus stop, so no need to return to Le Cicale to hop on the Sitasud bus.
- largest store in Conca is here, by the restaurant Bontà Del Capo, in via I Maggio 12, Carrano Luigi:
- Butcher is here , Macelleria Cuomo : https://goo.gl/maps/64uET72F6PjpaoF3A, via I Maggio 27
If you run out of time and can't purchase a paper ticket from the nearby store of Anna, you can conveniently use the Drop Ticket app. Here's how:
Download the Drop Ticket App:
Ensure you're in a Wi-Fi area to download the app.
Search for "Drop Ticket" in your app store and install it.
Use the App for Ticket Purchases:
This will make your travel much simpler and ensure you have a ticket ready without needing to find a store.

Person in charge:
Tony will be your host
He will be available at his phone during most of the day.
Mobile to use to get in touch with Tony is +39 388 441 3390
Please make a contact with a couple of days before arrival and get organized with him.
Via WhatsApp is the best way to reach him out!
You can download the app here:

How to reach Amalfi
Opt to reach Amalfi by taxi or bus, as the town is VERY congested and often parkings of the town are full, not to say, very expensive!
The Sitasud offer rides to Amalfi and possibile use the Amalfi-Tovere bus line, if schedule can accommodate your requirements.
From the town of Amalfi you can board ferries to Capri and Positano, Naples and Salerno, whilst you can reach the nearby stunning Ravello by bus.
More information on what to do and see in Amalfi at our internal page: Amalfi attractions | AmalfiRental Support (amalficoastrentalsupport.com)
We offer a private parking for free at the location
You must reach via Panoramica and drive into this parking here:
After you have parked your car, walk down along the main road direction Amalfi, for about 100 meters and rech via Panoramica 65, our main entrance.
You might check this video that will show you how to reach the house from the private parking

Resources on the area
This is the web page has information on Conca and Furore and its local transportation
This web page contains our suggested restaurants of the closeby area of Conca, Furore and Agerola

How to reach Ravello
In order to visit the town of the Music of The Amalfi Coast, Ravello you need to get to Amalfi bus terminal of Falvio Gioia and use tha bus stop by the shelter located on the left of the Piazza, looking the water, and having your shoulder to the main Piazza Duomo.
The town of Ravello is at 30 minutes of a bus ride.
If buses are crowded, which is possible in the high season, you might opt for a taxi. Those are located by Porta Della Marina, on the right of Piazza Flavio Gioia. It is ALWAYS wise to agree on a fix price to reach the town. Do not go blind without asking or the trip can cost you a fortune!
This web page contains itineraries for Ravello Ravello Attractions | AmalfiRental Support (amalficoastrentalsupport.com)