This page will explain how to reach the house
Via Flavio Gioia n.17
Praiano (SA) Italy
precise location on MAP on this link
or click or copy/paste : https://maps.app.goo.gl/d1r7JbgXp3KX4iP46
There is no car parking nearby, if you get here with your own car, please coordinate
We have only a few steps to climb. About 20
wifi Network is TIM-48888705
Password is : ENeYXiFtA3yqdT9z
Please follow these instructons carefully
a) Reach Bus Stop #7 via Capriglione village Centre Location on Google Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/tR5yeZZn62zN3hYX8
b) Drive along Via Marconi.
c) Continue onto Via Umberto I, pass by Hotel Margherita and Hotel Holiday.
d) Arrive at Moressa 1962 or Moressa Bistrò . Location on Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/QcnR9RWd8bitwHw88
- **Exit & Walk:**
- Exit the car at Moressa 1962 or Moressa Bistrò, take your bags.
- Walk towards Moressa Bistrò restaurant and continue along the pedestrian Via Flavio Gioia.
- Your home is approximately 50 meters past the restaurant's terrace at number 17.
- Follow the same directions as above.
- **Parking:**
- Coordinate with the hosts for parking, as it can be tricky in this area.
- We may be able to secure a parking spot nearby for a fee, for you.
- OR, after dropping off passengers and bags at Moressa 1962 or Moressa Bistrò, continue to find parking in the areas of Via Umberto I, Via Roma, or Via Capriglione.
- Bus Stop: Get off at Bus Stop #9 along Via Roma by Il Cimitero di Praiano . Location on Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Xa2cnnFtFDEDTpTg7
- Walk along Via Umberto I to reach Moressa 1962.
- Follow the directions from point 1/c above.
Arriving at Your Home:
- Upon arrival, and only during check-in time, the key will be behind the entry metal gate keyhole.
- Take the key, walk up 20 stairs, open the door, and enjoy your stay!
Watch this video for a detailed guide on how to reach us and what you'll find in the house! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHqFlDYtp0I

Closest bus stop location
Our house is located in Praiano, in the picturesque Moressa distric.
Please note that our apartment is on a pedestrian road via Flavio Gioia and cars or any type of vehicle are not permitted.
The closest local bus stop for the town shuttle or Positano Mobility bus is the number 28, which you can find here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/vxkAKeffJesSsbyo6
For longer trips, the nearest Sitasud bus stop is number 9, located on Via Roma, about 700 meters away. You can find the location of the stop here https://maps.app.goo.gl/s5dQJyjRwEmbxbVF6
From the town center, you can take a local bus back (Mobility or Interno Praiano) to our local stop nr 28,
All updated bus line schedules are available on our website at : Amalfi Coast Rental Support https://www.amalficoastrentalsupport.com/praianolocaltransportation , which includes a map of bus stops and instructions on purchasing bus tickets via an app.
Garbage system
We do recycle the waste in the village of Praiano.
PLEASE diligently take out your waste and do not leave in the house.
Especially in the warmer sunny days, you are at ease to get an ants attack. By the way, do not panic as they are definitely innocuous and we are very used to see them crawling around us! Even when it is everything clean around you!
Waste Disposal Instructions:
Please drop off your waste along Flavio Gioia, at the bottom of our stairs to the right of the metal gate. This must only be done at night after 10 PM.
Kindly separate the waste by type into the following categories:
Please be aware that garbage is not collected every day of the week, but only on certain days. Please check the specific collection days at this link: Garbage Collection Schedule.
Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Trouble shootings
Power Outage Information
Sometimes, we experience power cuts. If this happens during your stay, please reach the electric panel and pull the lever up to restore power.

Closest stores and bar
We are great location for that.
For food provision walk to Moressa 1962 or a larger store, named Sorrentino a few meters down the road, past the restaurant Posteria.
More food stopres are along via Capriglione
A fish-shop is in via Capriglione 154, here : https://goo.gl/maps/jNC6hnpgRuNYodRt7
The butcher is here in via Capriglione 104 https://goo.gl/maps/6JHXYWCFaZRz54XT7
The Pharmacy of Praiano is located here in via Capriglione 142, here https://goo.gl/maps/atgGotYdtJecA3j1A
This is my preferred restaurants list in the town of Praiano https://www.amalficoastrentalsupport.com/praiano-restaurants

Person in charge:
Domenico will be your host
He will be available at his phone during most of the day.
Mobile to use to get in touch with Domenico is +39 3479341501
Please make a contact with a couple of days before arrival and get organized with him.
Via WhatsApp is the best way to reach him out!
You can download the app here:
Parking Information
We do not offer private parking, but you can park your car for a fee not too far from our location. Please reserve the stall with a week or about prior your chec in, as space is limited.
Important Parking Tips:
- Resident-Only Parking:
Most street parking nearby is reserved for residents. These spaces are typically marked with a sign at the beginning of the stalls saying, "Riservato ai Residenti." Be sure not to park in these spaces, or you are at ease to be fined.
- Free Parking Option: Some free parking is available near Bus Stop #9 on Via Roma. You can find this location here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Jxs9wdguGkNMZ8h49
- Parking Confirmation: After parking, please immediately send a picture of your parked car to us via WhatsApp. This will allow us to ensure your car is safely parked and help you avoid tickets or towing.
- Paid Parking: If you park in the paid stalls marked with blue lines on the pavement, you can pay for parking using the Easy-Park App. You can download the app here: https://easyparkitalia.it/en
For step-by-step instructions on how to use the app, please watch this tutorial video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv89R4yyowA
**Prohibited Parking:**
Please do not park on bends or in areas where signs indicate parking is prohibited.

Resources on the area
This is the web page has information on Praiano https://www.amalficoastrentalsupport.com/praiano
Praiano local transportation page : https://www.amalficoastrentalsupport.com/praianolocaltransportation
This web page contains our suggested restaurants of the closeby area of Praiano
More resources from our web site are here